GLW2401 : Back to the Sliding Rock!

Wednesday 17th January 2024

It was a beautiful day, if extremely cold.  Just right to kick off the year with its first Great (very) Little Walk.

We wanted to see the snow covered Lakeland hills whilst having a lakeside walk.  Fell Foot seemed the ideal venue, partly because we have free parking.  Or would have done had it been open but it wasn’t.  So we decided instead to drive up to Gummers How where we could admire the view over Windermere to the fells beyond and enjoy our picnic at the same time. 

So like two old dears we sat and ate.  Meanwhile two men with enormously long telephoto lenses were waiting for planes to fly over so they could bag them.  They would have a long wait!

Lunch completed, it was time to get down to the serious business.  But where to go?  We drove north along the east side of Windermere, passing many fine houses including the one where Margaret had been invited to stay by her very rich school friend’s parents.  That’s probably not grammatically correct.  The very rich parents of Margaret’s school friend.

We decided to park at Ferry Nab where the temperature was extremely cold, the ground extremely icy and the parking fee extremely usurious.  Still, it was a good start point to walk around Cockshot Point to the Glebe. 

Splendid views in full sun but it was a good job we had our emergency instep spikes or else we would have been falling down all over the place. 

Geese, swans, ducks, .....

.....a robin and even a pied wagtail seemed pleased to see us. 

The Fairfield hills at the head of the lake looked grand in the evening sun.

And we were pleased to see the sliding rock though it seems rather smaller than when we used to take Jamie and Emma forty years ago.  The polished surface showed that is still used for that purpose.

It was starting to get even colder with the sun threatened to go down behind Claife Heights as we set off back to the car. 

Where next?  How about keeping Judy in the style to which she is accustomed?  Off to the Lakeland shop and café.  The café closes at four and it was just one minute past as we reached the entrance.  Sorry Judy, we weren’t able to contribute to your spring holiday!

Don, Wednesday 17th January 2024

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