GLW1909 : NADLERS round Loughrigg

Wednesday 27th November 2019

But, I cried, my tastes are more Reacher than Nietsche; Rebus not Phoebus.  In fact I seldom read anything else, other than the sports pages.

Please, she said.  Please come with me on the NADLES outing.  

NADLES, perhaps I should explain, is the Natland and District Literary Exploration Society, so named due to their inclination to explore the deepest meaning of selected novels and determine their literary merit.

Please come, she repeated.  The NADLES are now exploring the great outdoors for pleasure rather than literary merit.  I want to be with them but I'm afraid that I am somewhat lurgified and might not be able to complete the course.  

In other words, I deduced, you want a driver to pop out at strategic points in order to take you home if necessary.

No, she insisted, I want you to come on the walk but be with me if I have problems. You never know, you might enjoy it.

Put like that, how could I refuse?

Mick, Mary and Linda had travelled to Grasmere by bus; we by car in case of the aforesaid potential problem.  First call was at Mathilde's where civilised tea and cakes were consumed.  Off we then went, up the Red Bank road on the west side of Grasmere (the lake).  This was familiar territory but I had never before taken the footpath to Hunting Stile and onwards to Huntingstile Crag which proved an excellent place to stop and admire the view.

We continued on new-to-me territory below High Close youth hostel and then on a very pleasant path down to The How at Loughrigg Tarn.

The track up and over the Loughrigg Fell dip was familiar territory.  This brought us down to the Rothay Park footbridge and into Ambleside.

Margaret had made it and, what's more just as she predicted, I had enjoyed it.

Thank you Nadlers, maybe I could be allowed to join you again some time?

Don, Wednesday 27th November 2019

PS In case you had spotted and were wondering the meaning of the bonus "R" inserted into NADLES, one theory is that it stands for Rambling, something to which I am verbally prone as readers (if indeed there are any) of this report will understand.  However it could just refer to people who nadle.



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