BB1313 : Poor Little Bo Peep

Wednesday 2nd April 2013

Poor Little Bo Peep.  She really has lost her sheep over the last week or two.  

This time, she does know where to find them- they are under several feet of drifted snow.  Not that many of them will be wagging their tails on the way home.

March came in like the proverbial lion but, on its departure, a sorry number of lambs are of the frozen variety.

Fortunately, on the lower fells, conditions in this part of the lake district have not been quite that bad for the poor lambs.  However, higher up, April remains Siberian.

In other words, a further opportunity to get the crampons out.

As you might expect, Bryan, now recovered, has lost no opportunity to get into the snow, as you can see from his report below about his trips up Fairfield and the west side of Kentmere.  Our objective today was to accompany him round the eastern side of the valley.

Aware of the potential conditions, Tony became the latest member of the Kahtoola Klub, seen here proudly showing off his acquisition.

Tony, the proud Kahtoolarer

Looking up Longsleddale

The spikes were not needed as we climbed up the valley.  Indeed, even after we reached the snow line, they might have been a hindrance rather than an aid as initially the snow, although deep in places, was too soft.  All that changed shortly after stepping over a well-buried gate. Bo Beep would have had good reason to worry up here

What vehicle did this?

The well-buried gate

The underfoot conditions were becoming icy.  As we were donning our spikes, two highly equipped men approached us.  They turned out to be from the Lake District National Park and were surveying the pass as once a month, being a "white road", it is open to designated motor vehicles.  Good luck to the drivers in these conditions!

Although it was a spectacularly clear day, a bitter east wind was making difficult the choice of venue for the lunch stop.  Fortunately, below Little Harter Fell, Bryan found a rocky outcrop that provided some shelter and an opportunity for a team picture with Tony looking like he had accomplished a significant challenge.

Looking back down Longsleddale

Comitibus :  Near Little Harter Fell

It was not much further to the Harter Fell summit with spectacular views of the snow clad hills.

High Street with Blea Water

Haweswater,  Small Water just visible to left

Harter Fell summit

The way south

From the summit we turned south and, for the first time this year, those with good eyesight could just espy Blackpool Tower.  

The view to Morecambe bay and beyond

Yoke, Ill Bell & Froswick

We followed the snowy ridge to Kentmere Pike and Shipman Knotts.  

Coniston Old Man

Looking back up Kentmere valley

Another rest stop in full sun and out of the breeze had the inevitable effect on at least three of us!

At the top of the pass linking Longsleddale and Kentmere work was taking place on the track.  For what, we could not tell.  This pass has no name shown on the maps but, down near the cars, we did find a sign suggesting what it is called.  Disappointingly, it was a very unremarkable short name that has not lasting long enough in the memory to report!

Track works

Weather vane in the valley

Unlike Bo Peep's poor lambs, I am pleased to report that the BOboys were able to come home and, aided by a couple of jars in the Duke of Cumberland, get down to the serious business of wagging their tales.

Don, 3rd April 2013

Snow Report

Bryan, who had been poorly the day we went out last week, was sufficiently recovered by Friday to tackle the west side of Kentmere. On Sunday he tackled Fairfield.  He reports:

Grand day out on Friday. Hills in superb condition.

I suspect there will be a few Easter accidents judging by my experiences.  I passed a number of couples and groups without crampons / axes, or even poles.

The going varied from thigh-deep trail-breaking to hard packed snow on steepish ground which would be extremely difficult to cross without crampons.

The descent into Nan Bield was particularly interesting as I was a bit off line and on steepish ground that was about on the limit for microspikes. The ice axe proved to be invaluable protection and saved me having to climb back up and find the easier line.

Managed to sneak another day out yesterday [Sunday]. Caught the bus to Dunmail and went over Fairfield / Hart Crag and down to Ambleside via High Pike.

Pretty busy from Fairfield onwards and, as the other day, plenty of people without crampons / axes. Came across a bloke and his lad who had spent the night in a snow hole!

 Bryan, 1st April 2013

Farewell Uncle Monty

When I heard, last week, about the death of Uncle Monty, a.k.a. Richard Griffiths of Withnail & I fame, I did think about a memorial visit to Crow Crag, a.k.a. Sleddale Hall.

It would also be an opportunity to see how Tim Ellis was getting on with the restoration since our BB1219 visit.

Unfortunately this week was not convenient for Tim but we hope to report on his progress in the near future.




Wednesday 2nd April 2013

Distance in miles:

8.3 (Garmin gps)

Height climbed in feet:

2,185 (Memory Map / OS)


Harter Fell, Kentmere Pike, Shipman Knotts

Other Features:



Bryan, Don, John Hn, Martin C, Tony


BOOTboys routes are put online in gpx format which should work with most mapping software. You can follow our route in detail by downloading bb1313

To discover which Wainwright top was visited on which BB outing see
Which Wainwright When?

For the latest totals of the mileages and heights see: BB Log.


Photos have been gleaned from many sources although mostly from me! Likewise written comment.  Unless stated otherwise, please feel free to download the material if you wish.  
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