BB1315 : Beware of the Bra

Wednesday 25th April 2013

The Daily Telegraph recently published a warning to keen fell walkers. This was not on 1st April, I can assure you.  It was the 12th.  

The headline ran "Beware of the Bra".

The article reported a warning by the Mountaineering Council of Scotland that underwired bras could kill fell walkers.

It is interesting that it did not specify lady fell walkers.

Is that because there are men who go out similarly attired?  

Or could it be that some ladies use them as weapons such as slings or catapults, perhaps?

Or even that they might be the cause of injuries incurred if they have been removed, for whatever reason, then blown into dangerous places from which retrieval is necessary?

Well, no.  Nothing so exciting. It is because it was feared that the wire contained within the aforementioned apparel could potentially be the cause of interference.  

No!  Not with the lady's body but with a magnetic compass, thereby leading to potentially fatal navigational errors.

In the same paper on the same day was another article concerning bras, casting doubt on their long term effectiveness in preventing mammary droop, but that is not relevant to this report.

Normally, the navigational consequence of bras is not a concern for BOOTboys, however today was different. We had a lady with us. Naturally, I did not enquire about her undergarments but instead made a mental note to keep a safe distance in the unlikely event of having to resort to a magnetic compass.

The lady concerned was Margaret's cousin, Lizzie, a keen walker who often visits the Lake District with her pals from the Selby area but they tend to go to the northern end. She was eager to visit the Langdales. However, the weather forecast suggested otherwise so we opted for a late start and a lesser objective from which, if the sun drove off the heavy clouds, as expected in the afternoon, at least the Langdales might be seen.

The 555 took us Grasmere and we headed up the trail past Allan Bank and its strange small floral memorial.  At first I thought a beer can had been placed behind the wire mesh covering but on closer examination, I think it was a casket of someone's ashes.

The memorial

Cloud clearing round Helm Crag

Our first objective was Lang Howe, one of my favourite minor tops as it looks like a mini Matterhorn when viewed from the unnamed tarn that shelters beneath it.  Objective achieved we returned towards the tarn for lunch.  Seeing as we hadn't set off until 11:45, it was remarkably restrained of Tony to wait so long before demanding his replenishment, normally demanded on the stroke of noon.

Lang Howe and tarn

Comitibus :  Lang Howe

Next was Silver Howe.  As we made our way across the undulations, we could see that the cloud on the Langdales was slowly lifting and before long Lizzie could see what her real target looked like.  

Langdales, with ......

..... and without cloud

Grasmere, Rydal Water, Windermere and Elterwater

Also in this area, Bryan made a discovery: a small plastic case that was clearly intended to open.  He, Stan and Tony tried in turn without success. Eventually, I am not sure how but I succeeded. For a moment I was excited.  It seemed full of folded money. Unfortunately, on closer examination, it turned out to be a puncture repair kit.  Why that should be up there, well away from any bridle paths or rideable terrain is anyone's guess, but Bryan lay claim to it.

Tony fails to do something simple

Tony does something remarkable

A little later, something remarkable happened.  I am sure that Tony would not mind me mentioning this but normally he is not the fastest of us.  So when he suddenly started running- yes you read that right, running- we were amazed.  What was even more remarkable was that he was running UPHILL to the top of a rise.  We looked on in amazement.  Such alacrity normally only occurs when the pub is in sight.  He told us afterwards that since his orthopaedic insoles had been fitted, all his usual aches and pains had vanished and he wanted to see just how mobile he now was.

The Wetherlam range

After the descent to Hammerscar Plantation, a decision had to be made: whether to carry on up and over Loughrigg or take the lower route along Loughrigg Terrace, visiting Rydal Cave on the way.  Loughrigg is not the most exciting of hills whereas the Cave is really interesting, not to mention the lovely view over Grasmere to Dunmail Raise from the Terrace.

Grasmere from Loughrigg Terrace

The water level in the cave was the deepest that I recall and some of the stepping stones were a little submerged.  However, the grip on the slate slabs is remarkably good and access to the interior was not a problem.  The seams of different coloured rock coupled with the sheer size of the cave never fails to impress.

Finally, there was the gentle descent to the River Rothay and the Badger Bar.

Fortunately there had been no navigational problems and therefore need to beware of the bra.

More importantly, nor did we beware of the bar.

Next time, Lizzie- the Langdales.

 Don, 10th April 2013

Who and Where Competition

Recently I bought a new scanner with a good quality slide copier attachment.

Subsequently, I have been digitising photos from way back.

I have now reached 1974 which has thrown up some photos that might be of interest to certain BOOTboys

One (highly enlarged, hence blurred) is of the Burnmoor Inn (right), taken on the infamous St Patrick's day visit.

Others perplex me and perhaps some dear reader can throw light on them. Shown below are two group photos.  I have identified all of the men and two of the ladies but can you identify them all lot?  And where were they taken?

Also is a photo of Ian B taking a photo of the photographer, who is presumably me.
But where were we?  And who is peering into my tent?

And the solo individual taking lunch.  I thought it was Pete McL but he denies it.
Any offers?

As usual, clicking on the photo produces an enlargement.

A small prize awaits the best effort.




Thursday 25th April 2013

Distance in miles:

6.3 (Garmin gps)

Height climbed in feet:

1,547 (Memory Map / OS)


Silver Howe

Other Features:

Lang Howe, Rydal Cave


Bryan, Don, Lizzie, Stan, Tony


 BOOTboys routes are put online in gpx format which should work with most mapping software. You can follow our route in detail by downloading bb1315

To discover which Wainwright top was visited on which BB outing see
Which Wainwright When?

For the latest totals of the mileages and heights see: BB Log.


Photos have been gleaned from many sources although mostly from me! Likewise written comment.  Unless stated otherwise, please feel free to download the material if you wish.  
A reference back to this website would be appreciated but not essential.
.If I have failed to acknowledge properly the source or infringed copyright, then I apologise.
. Please let me know and I will do my best to put things right.


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