BB2425 : Answers on a Postcard, please!

Wednesday 17th July 2024

A strange thing happened the other day.  We received a postcard from some good friends telling us about their trip to Venice and Milan.  It was postmarked in Italy with the date 02.07.24.  I thought that was pretty fast, given that postage from Europe is taking much longer than it did pre-Brexit.  

What puzzled me was that we were totally unaware that they had been away.  In fact, we were absolutely positive that they hadn’t strayed outside the UK.  So we asked when it was that they had been there.  

The answer was, believe or not, 2010!  

So how could a postcard from Italy take 14 years to arrive?  We can’t blame Boris Johnson for that.

Our adventure today started from the Lakeside Pier at the southern end of Windermere (the lake, not the town), the views from which are rightly found on many a postcard.

Our first objective was the newly opened path that leads alongside the railway and river to Newby Bridge.  

Finding the path was a minor challenge.  You certainly won’t find a postcard of it.  It isn’t even shown on the notice boards describing the features at the location.  However the helpful lady in the kiosk pointed us in the right direction.  It is a pleasant stroll along a path that is wheelchair friendly.  A bridge crosses the railway line where I was able to replicate the childhood pleasure of leaning over to breathe the steam from the locomotive passing below.

Our next objective was Boreham Tarn.  We had been there in March last year ( BB2307 ).  What appeared on the map as a direct route turned out to be private land so we had to head west to the track that we had descended last time. Unfortunately, we hit  a problem not experienced previously.  Monster bracken, making progress difficult at times. though the views to the west were good.

Sadly, the tarn wasn’t visible, being hidden by hillocks.  We could have worked our way round to its north end but we had lost so much time that we decided to press on to reach High Dam which was not as busy as expected though there were some wild swimmers.  

Dropping down past Low Dam ....

..... to the road, we soon reached Finsthwaite with its highly distinctive church as featured on this old postcard.  

Tony was also keen to visit the grave of Clementina Sobiesky Douglass who is believed to have been the illegitimate daughter of Bonnie Prince Charlie.

It just remained to cross over the Great Knott Wood and return to the jetty, the lake still revelling in the sunshine.  

Now for our great prize competition.  What do you think happened next?  Answers on a postcard, please, to arrive not later than July 17th, 2038.

Don, Wednesday 17th July 2024

Bonus Pictures from Tony


      Stan,        Robin (+ Holly),       Tony,       Martin,        Don

Map:  OS 1:25K


BB2425 : Answers on a Postcard, Please!


Wednesday 17 July 2024


High Dam

Distance in miles:


Height climbed in feet:


GPX track:



Don, Martin, Robin (+ Holly), Stan, Tony

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