BB1107 : Home From The Pulpit

Thursday 24th March 2011

The frost still on the ground served to remind that, despite the cloudless sky, spring has only just officially begun.  But with several of us having afternoon commitments, an early start was needed if we were to achieve our objective.  

I had planned a 9½ mile walk designed to bring us back to Kendal, starting from Fox’s Pulpit.  Funnily enough, Bryan had had the same idea, however when we compared thoughts, his lay to the south and mine to the north!    As I am not supposed to be taking responsibility for anything these days, Bryan’s route prevailed.

The sun shone stunningly over Fox’s Pulpit.  We were perhaps half an hour too late to get the spectacular “contre-soleil” shot of Mike in the pulpit that I had hoped.  The sun was now too high and the picture just didn’t work.  Still, the one without preacher is quite dramatic.

Let Your Lives Speak
Here or near this rock George Fox preached to about one thousand seekers for three hours on Sunday June 13, 1652.  Great power inspired his message and the meeting proved of first importance in gathering the Society of Friends known as Quakers.  Many men and women convinced of the truth on the fell and in other parts of the northern counties went forth through the land and over the seas with the living word of the Lord, enduring great hardships and winning multitudes to Christ.

The view from Fox's Pulpit

Off we strode to the south, leaving the road at New Field and heading south west to meet and cross the Kendal to Sedbergh road.  

Nearing the Kendal to Sedbergh Road

The path now ran close to Lily Mere but this is always a disappointment as there is precious little that can be seen from places where the public is allowed, thanks to the dense surrounding forestation.

A glimpsette of Lily Tarn

The usual non-view of Lily Tarn!

Killington Reservoir is a different matter- totally open to view.  I can’t explain why but, today, it was looking better than I can ever recall seeing it.

Killington Reservoir from the east side

Killington Reservoir from the dam wall (south)

After a bit of a road slog, we eventually found a path that took us over to New Hutton where I predicted we would find seats for a coffee break in the churchyard.  Wrong!  But the nearby wall at the old school proved perfectly adequate for the task, despite one of its greyhounds having been stolen several years ago.

St Stephen's Church, New Hutton

Comitibus: New Hutton

A few more ups and downs brought us to the back of what used to be Holme Park School which has happy memories for four of us as parents (and one as a child).

The former Holme Park School

Tree disaster near Holme Park

Dropping down to Kendal

Dropping down into Kendal was interesting

Firstly for the view; secondly for strange brown sheep with the white tips to their tails; thirdly for the gallop down the hillside that Stan and I undertook; and finally for the extremely narrow and surprisingly long passage that emerges out onto the A684 near the Castle Green Hotel.  

Brown sheep with white tipped tails- Hebridean?

The narrow passage

We reached Roger’s house exactly at the required time.  As you will have gathered from the opening, this is not the route that I had chosen for today but to be fair to Bryan, I think his choice was probably the more interesting on what was a glorious morning.

Don, 24th March 2011


Here are some more photos from the walk:

A washing picture with a difference fro Margaret!

Mike plays mangel-worzeel bowls

Sheep be warned!

Approaching St Stephen's




Thursday 24th March 2011

Distance in miles:


Height climbed in feet:

1,032 (1,752 descended)



Other Features:

Fox's Pulpit


Bryan, Don, Mike,
Philip, Roger T, Stan



BOOTboys routes ares now being put online in gpx format which should work with most mapping software. You can follow our route in detail by downloading BB1107.

To see which Wainwright top was visited on which BB outing see
Which Wainwright When?

For the latest totals of the mileages and heights see: BB Log.



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2011 Outings

BB1101 :
Wasnfell Revisited
Tuseday 11th January

BB1102 :
Recuperation Scar!
Thursday 17th February

BB1103 :
A Promenade of Pensioners
Thursday 24th February

BB1104 :
The B Team
Thursday 3rd March

BB1105 :
A Little Bit Of Wind
Thursday 10th March

BB1106 :
A Linthwaite Round
Thursday 17th March

BB1107 :
Home From The Pulpit
Thursday 24th March

BB1108 :
Taking The Brunt
Thursday 31st March

BB1109 :
Up The Spout
Wednesday 6th April

BB1110 :
Not The Royal Wedding
Friday 29th April


 Click on the photos
for an enlargement
or related large picture.


To see which Wainwright
top was visited on which
BB outing see
Which Wainwright When?.

To download a log of heights and miles and which Wainwrights have been done by which BOOTboy in the "modern" era, i.e. since the advent of BOOTboys
click on BB Log.