: Skeggling
Wednesday 19th
May 2021
According to the Urban Dictionary, the
word Skeggle refers to "Google
cool people". I am not sure what that
means and nor, it seems, does Uncle Google.
On the other hand, the Scottish National Dictionary defines the verb Skeggle
as meaning to sway or slip to one side,
to rock, move unsteadily or awry, lose balance, totter. Actions
not entirely unknown to us.
It seemingly
derives from the Norwegian Skjegla “to go awry” so maybe that is how Skeggles Water was discovered and thereby
named as you have to go lang awry through featureless terrain to find it.
First, however, was the much more featureful Reston Scar, the
small hill overlooking Staveley.
Reaching it is an easy climb from the village.
This and the next, higher but nameless bump
provide excellent views over to the Lakeland hills.
After a short debate, influenced as much as anything by Mike
never having previously visited it, we determined that Skeggles Water should be
our next objective. This entailed
dropping down to the River Kent (passing the scene of Stan’s dog whispering
triumph several years ago) and on to Ullthwaite Bridge.
Many a Kendalian has, hanging on his or her wall, a picture
of their family stood or sat on this bridge, taken by renowned photographer
Annabel Williams.
As is traditional on BB walks, we took our Comitibus photo here,
emulating her pictures but with no fee involved!
Comitibus: Don,
Mike, Stan
After crossing the river we climbed up the saucily named H P
Plantation following which was a long trek over moorland. I was hoping we might see an adder as has happened
one plus one times before but not today.
Eventually we reached the tarn to discover that the shooter’s
hut is now just a pile of stones where the walls used to be. It still made a good place to stop for lunch.
After visiting the tarn we set off on our return. Before long we encountered a most unusual
creature, one that we had not seen all day.
A human. Indeed a female human,
or at least I think it was, of indeterminate age carrying a very large and full
Somehow she reminded me of the Ancient Mariner as she
stoppeth one in three. Mike was the
lucky chap; Stan and I just avoided her wild gaze and relentless wittering and
pressed on. It seems that she had been
wild camping in order to see a snipe. Or
was it a snark? She babbled on about
wishing she was in Spain and I think Mike agreed she should be.
Anyway we escaped and made our way back down to Staveley, passing on route the farm with, by the side of the road, its ancient stone
storage hut now well camouflaged with vegetation.....
and a display of washing for Margaret!
Joy of joys, the Hawkshead Brewery was open and at last allowing people
inside. Not that we went in. We sat out the front whilst a drone hovered
over us- presumably because we are so good looking that we were specially selected to appear in their
promotional video.
Happy from the joys of the Brewery and the news that in
future Boris would permit us to car-share, we cool people skeggled our various ways
back home.
Wednesday 19th May 2021
Map: OS