BB2324 : The Happy Wanderer?

Wednesday 12th August 2023

I had an ear worm. Dum-ti-dum-ti dum-ti-dum, dum -ti-dum-ti-dee.  Etcetera.  What was that tune?  I didn't mention it to the boys when we met at Clapham.  Perhaps I should.  It might have prevented what happened later.  Our first objective was Ingleborough, then we would decide how to return.  Or to where to return, as transpired to be the problem later.

I asked if Father Christmas was in residence as we set off up the trail to his cave. No but he will be back in time for Christmas, I was reassured.

After emerging from Trow Gill, we discovered that a meet was taking place at the Gaping Gill pothole.  Properly clad troglodytes were queuing to go down the winch into the depths.  We didn't join them.  The queue was too long.  Actually, that's not the real reason.  It isn't open to the public until Bank Holiday.  Also Stan and I have each had some sort of trauma underground.  Neither TV Mike nor Robin seemed enthusiastic to return once it was open and I doubt if Holly would be allowed down.

We continued to Little Ingleborough.  To the east stands Pen-y-Ghent.....

..... not to be confused with Pendle to the south.....

..... whilst Ingleborough itself lies straight ahead.

These distractions had quietened the worm but it made a fresh appearance as we neared the Ingleborough summit.  It wasn't as crowded as I expected and the weather wasn't as good as we expected; thin clouds kept rolling in and out again. We found a shelter so, anxious to access my butties, I put my rucksack down.

It was at that moment I recognised the song.
was those lovely children from Obernkirchen:

Mein Vater war ein Wandersmann,

Und mir steckt's auch im Blut;

Drum wandr' ich froh,
so lang ich kann,

Und schwenke meinen Hut.

Click on picture for song

From the summit you can see Whernside plus the Ribblehead railway viaduct.

We agreed that the second part of our walk should be to descend Thieves Moss.....

..... and cross the vast limestone pavements.....

..... until we reached the Moughton Scars Begger's Stile where we had our Comitibus photo.

The wooden stile is large and very steep on the south side which proved a challenge for Holly though we successfully managed to ground her without incident.

The terrain across Crummock Dale is very different, sheep farming territory.  It was a pleasant stroll down past Crummock Farm.  

Click on picture for song

The song started going round my mind again, but this time in English.  

It was the Stargazers:

I love to go a-wandering

along the mountain track.

As as I go, I love to sing,

my knapsack on my back.

Hang on a moment.  What was that about my knapsack on my back?

It's not there!  Disaster!!

What had happened to it?  

Was it still at the top of Ingleborough where I took it off for lunch?  No, it seemed more likely that it was back at Beggars Stile where we stopped for the team picture.  Who was not such a happy wanderer now?

Fortunately my money, camera, phone, gps and car keys were in my pockets so it wasn't the end of the world (my subconscious just typed Wordle) if the sac couldn't be found but it seemed worth returning the 1¼ miles to the Stile.  TVM kindly volunteered to accompany me which was a blessing, not only for the company, but for setting a pace that would get us home before sunset.  

Meanwhile Robin and Stan headed off back to Clapham and the cars.  We had agreed to meet up at the Game Cock at Austwick.

The sac was indeed where I had left it at the Stile so we could gleefully retrace our steps and continue on to the Came Cock.  Who would got there first?  We did but only by 5 minutes.  Very soon there was not just one but four reunited Happy Wanderers.  Cheers! Or Perhaps I should say:


Don, Wednesday 9th August 2023 

Bonus Pictures from TV Mike

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                                       TV Mike, Robin, Stan, Don with Holly.......... Knapsack

Map: OS 1:50k



BB2324 : The Happy Wanderer?


Wednesday 9th August 2023


Ingleborough, Moughton Scars

Distance in miles:


Height climbed in feet:


GPX track:



Don, TV Mike, Robin (+Holly), Stan


For the index pages of our various earlier outings click on the relevant link below:

























Photos have been gleaned from many sources although mostly from me and other BOOTboys. Likewise written comment.
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