BB2422 : Here We Are Again

Thursday 27th June 2024

I couldn’t help but think of the lyric "Here we are again, happy as can be" as we planned today’s adventure.  I could remember most of the words but didn’t know its origins.  I suspected it might be a First World War song so I asked Uncle Google. 

He supplied a video which indeed featured a First World War song of that name and a highly poignant slideshow.  However, whilst there are some similarities in the lyrics, it wasn’t the song I had in mind

I asked Uncle Google one more and this time he proffered this 1931 rollicking comedy chorus sensation, successfully featured and recorded by Jack Hylton and his Band. 

Click on the picture and stick with the Band for the full 2 minutes and 44 seconds and if it doesn’t make you chuckle by the end, I’d be surprised. 

So, there we were again, or to be more precise there were Bryan and I again.  I had been on top of Sour Howes and Sallows only two weeks ago (BB2420) but not, on that occasion, with Bryan and Robert.  In fact Sallows is the third most visited peak by the BOOTboys and many times more for Bryan.  However, we were there today precisely because it wasn’t “again” for Robert- it was his first time.

Happy as can be?  Well that has to be tempered by the anticipation of rain and winds approaching 50 mph.  Never mind the weather, never mind the rain, as long as we're together, Whoops we go again!

The route was a little different this time.  As opposed to starting from Troutbeck, we chose the Dubbs Road. 

After inspecting the Dubbs reservoir, .....

..... we continued to the gate that permits entry on to the fell. 

Soon, we joined the regular path that replicated the recent ascent of Sour Howes. 

Coming from the west, it’s a nice modest hill with a satisfying climb.....

..... and great views. 

I much prefer it to the approach from the Kentmere Valley.

Of course, the next thing was to repeat the circuit round to Sallows although we did take a slightly different path for the final section (assault is too strong a word).  I find Sallows somewhat nondescript although I do like the Long Crag descent into Kentmere.  However that’s not the way we went.  As before, we dropped down to the Garburn Pass, this time continuing along the Longmire Road track to the Moorhowe Road road.

Given that it had only been a relatively short walk and the direct route back to the car was a bit of a road slog, Bryan suggested an extension south, past Far Orrest and Howe Hill, before circling back round by Near Orrest and back to the car.

In Staveley, driving round the town, returning from our spree, we made our not unfamiliar stop at the Eagle and Child.  There we were again, happy as can be.  All good pals and jolly good company.

Don, Thursday 27th June 2024

Relive:  Click on the picture to Relive the walk with Robert:


Robert                                          Bryan                                          Don

Map:  OS 1:25K


BB2422 :  Here We Are Again


Thursday 27th June 2024


Sour House, Sallows

Distance in miles:


Height climbed in feet:


GPX track:



Bryan, Don, Robert

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